1. You must set the computer to use other bootable device aside from hard drive. For this procedure, enable your BIOS to boot to USB device. If you are not familiar with this, please refer to your computer's instruction manual. 2. Another option is to access the Boot Menu right after ...
It is a perfect candidate for a specialized acquisition device, with its own rules, that could even serve as a model of study. While others have suggested the potential uniqueness of perceptual learning (e.g., Epstein, 1967; Gibson, 1969), they did so without the benefit of theoretical ...
Four adverse events were reported, 1 of which was classified as serious (cardiac arrest, not related to use of the study device). Three cases were noted in which distal branch occlusion occurred secondary to emboli during the procedure. None of these 3 events were clinically significant. Early...
The V-gauge is a simple and easy-to-use method with adequate accuracy to measure the outside diameter of rigid lenses. A tapered channel is cut into a strip of plastic with diameter markings along the channel.Fig. 14.1illustrates the use of such a device. The lens is placed in the wide...