Contact LensesFundus OculiOpticsVitrectomy空气接触镜眼底光学玻璃体切除术PURPOSE: To obtain a surgical contact lens with adequate operative field in vitreous surgery of gas-filled eyes. METHODS: We designed a new biconcave prism contact lens for gas-filled eyes by improving the material and the ...
html[11/13/2010 2:20:46 PM]Learn Option Refractive Eyecare Advertise Subscribe Back Issues Reprints Dry Eye Refractive Surgery Cataract Surgery Drugs and Disease Contact Lenses Spectacles Glaucoma Retina Home About Current Issue Archives Supplements Advertise Ca ...
Alleviating vertical diplopia through contact lenses without the use of prism. To describe a case of a contact lens fitting in a patient with significant vertical imbalance without the use of prism.A 56-year-old white female with vert... MK Migneco - 《Eye & Contact Lens》 被引量: 2发表...
Chemicals in salt-based pool filtration systems can cause a reaction with blue, green and red grouts. Contact Technical Services for recommendations.Not for use in movement joints or changes of plane in the tile installation. In these areas, use an appropriate caulk or sealant such as Commercial...
Define biprism. biprism synonyms, biprism pronunciation, biprism translation, English dictionary definition of biprism. n a prism having a highly obtuse angle to facilitate beam splitting Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Editio
contact lenses (Rohrer et al., 2009). OCT instruments are based on the same interferometric principles. With two scanning mirrors, anterior segment OCTs can scan the entire corneal area and generate thickness maps of lenses and corneas (Tao et al., 2013). Instruments such as the RTVue (...
Convex Lenses Start today. Try it now General Studies Science: Help & Review 43chapters |439lessons|1flashcard set Ch 14.Human Body Systems: Functions &... Ch 15.Foundations of Chemical Compounds &... Ch 16.Foundations of Chemical Reactions,... ...
About Products Tutorials & Blog Gallery ContactNEW! Introducing photographer blogs. Get your work featured.Prism filters for true creativity Fractals are specialized hand-held prism lenses that add artistic flare to your images and videos. Shop Learn ...
One of Chicago's Best Kept secrets since 1991. Eyeglasses made on premises usually in 3-10 days. Eyewear, Sunglasses, Contact lenses, eye exams. Eyecare professionals who treat each customer's unique needs with individualized attention.
This is presumably the first case that has been reported in the literature whereby base-in prism has been successfully incorporated into contact lenses. Keywords Prism; rigid gas permeable contact lenses; soft toric contact lenses Address reprint requests to Dr. Todd D. Winkler at 9589 Linfield...