Lightweight, extensible code editor component for the web using Prism.Why?There are multiple fully featured code editors for the web such as Monaco, Ace and CodeMirror. While these are awesome, they have a large footprint and are likely overkill for code examples, forms, playgrounds or ...
如果要全能型的,首选 CodeMirror。 当然Prism 也不是一无是处的,不然大佬也不会选择他了。 他的调用方式,设计的多么人性化啊,这些都是我们可以借鉴的。 当然这些功能你用 SHJS + jQuery 也是非常容易实现的,就可以打造成既小巧又强悍的语法高亮插件了。。 好了,今天分享到此结束。
如果你需要在网页上实现代码折叠,你可能需要考虑使用一个更全面的库或框架,如 CodeMirror、Ace Editor、Monaco Editor 等,这些编辑器都提供了丰富的API和插件系统,可以很容易地实现代码折叠等交互性特性。你也可以自己实现代码折叠的逻辑,但这需要你能够解析和处理代码的DOM结构,这通常比较复杂。 另外,值得注意的是,有...
你也可以去扩展更多的功能,比如增加一个表示修改样式的高亮。接下来我打算将prism搁置一段时间,去探索一下codemirror以及扩展自己的博客功能,我仍旧会将自己的心得体会进行分享,请持续关注我! 前端javascriptprismmarkdown 赞收藏 分享 阅读469发布于 2024-05-08 ...
react syntax-theme syntax-highlighting remark js jsx react-components highlightjs prismjs mdx hljs react-codemirror react-codemirror2 react-code-blocks Updated Jul 26, 2024 TypeScript dimpu / ngx-md Star 266 Code Issues Pull requests Angular(ngx) directive for parsing markdown content in ...
Lightweight, extensible code editor component for the web using Prism.Why?There are multiple fully featured code editors for the web such as Monaco, Ace and CodeMirror. While these are awesome, they have a large footprint and are likely overkill for code examples, forms, playgrounds or ...
Several browser based code editors such as Ace, CodeMirror, Monaco etc. provide the ability to embed a full-featured code editor in your web page. However, if you just need a simple editor with syntax highlighting without any of the extra features, they can be overkill as they don't ...
I realized Prism code editor's architecture made a rewrite in SolidJS not only possible, but easy. The result is a component that behaves very similarly, while being easier to use inside SolidJS apps. If a full blown editor like CodeMirror or Monaco is overkill, this might just be the ri...
在线编辑器:Prismjs可以与其他编辑器库(如CodeMirror、Ace Editor)结合使用,实现在线代码编辑和语法高亮功能。 腾讯云提供了一系列与MEVN堆栈和Prismjs相关的产品和服务,包括: 云服务器(CVM):提供可靠的云服务器实例,用于部署和运行MEVN堆栈应用程序。 云数据库MongoDB版(CMongoDB):提供高性能、可扩展的MongoDB数据库...
使用其他语法突出显示库:如果PrismJS与Bulma的冲突无法解决,可以考虑使用其他的语法突出显示库,例如Highlight.js、CodeMirror等。这些库也提供了类似的功能,并且可能与Bulma更加兼容。 总结起来,解决PrismJS与Bulma冲突的方法主要包括调整样式顺序、自定义样式和使用其他语法突出显示库。具体的解决方案需要根据实际情况进行调试...