// Implementation of IDWriteTextRenderer::DrawGlyphRun.HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE TextRenderer::DrawGlyphRun( _In_opt_void* clientDrawingContext, FLOAT baselineOriginX, FLOAT baselineOriginY, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode, _In_ DWRITE_GLYPH_RUNconst* glyphRun, _In_ DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN_DESCRIPTIONconst...
meaningrelationshipsspiritualityeducationAssessment of student knowledge in Learning Management Systems such as Moodle is mostly conducted using close-ended questions (e.g. multiple-choice) whose answers are straightforward to grade without hum...
wil::com_ptr<ID2D1Brush> runBrush; if (colorGlyphRun->paletteIndex == DWRITE_NO_PALETTE_INDEX) { // Special palette index meaning use the text foreground brush. runBrush = foregroundBrush; } else { // Use the specified color from the font's color palette. // Lazily create the solid ...