Long-termFocal epilepsyMedical treatment of refractory localisation-related epilepsies in adults should always be considered with regard to surgical possibilities. When long-term therapy with antiepileptic drugs is necessary, the treatment tries to achieve maximal efficacy with the lowest unavoidable toxicity...
Cas clinique n° 1 : BPCO professionnelles : étiologies et prise en charge médico-socialeOccupational bladder and urinary excretory tract cancers are underestimated in France. If an activity or an occupational exposure to a carcinogenic agent, compatible with an occupational diseases table : table ...
Iconography : Crise Ebola en Guinée : quelle prise en charge psycho-sociale pour les patients et les soignants ?The experience of the French military health service in the fight against the Ebola epidemic in Guinea, highlights the importance of what favours the emergence of an institutional ...
Prise en charge de la prévention bucco-dentaire par les institutions de protection sociale (IPS) du SénégalThe end of the last century and the present decade is characterized by an evolution of the concept of health and illness in the public domain. The World Health Organization defines ...