Many of the credit card offers that appear on this site are from credit card companies from which we receive financial compensation. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). However, the credit card inform...
Inside the Priority Pass app is a virtual card that many Priority Pass lounges accept. However, not all lounges accept it — and flashing your fancy credit card or opening the app in an attempt to prove you are a Priority Pass member isn’t always good enough. I’ve tried. Pro tip: ...
We’re pleased to announce the arrival of Priority Pass offers, which adds a new dimension to your membership by allowing you to take advantage of some fantastic offers in airports throughout the world! These offers can be redeemed for dining, spa, retail and other airport services to get ...
Whether you sign up for Priority Pass on your own or apply for a rewards credit card that offers Priority Pass Select, the value you’ll get from the amenities and convenience could be more than worth the price tag — especially for frequent travelers who’ll spend money on food and other...
Understand how to utilize Priority Pass customer service, so you can maximize your membership experience and manage unexpected travel obstacles.
Note that the credit is per person, so if you have a Priority Pass membership that allows guesting privileges and offers credits at Priority Pass restaurants, you can multiply the credit by how many guests you have (just let the person swiping your card know how many guests you have). ...
If you have a credit card that offers membership as a perk, check your agreement to see how many guests you’re allowed to bring for free. Can you bring someone with you on Priority Pass? Yes, you can bring guests with you into a lounge if you have a Priority Pass membership. Fees ...
Want to get Priority Pass? Read this guide about Priority Pass membership, the airport lounges you can access, their benefits and amenities, and how to get the most from your membership.
Credit: Priority PassPriority Pass membership tiers and costPriority Pass offers three levels of paid memberships:Priority Pass Standard: $99 per year. Member visit fee is $35 and the guest visit fee is $35. Priority Pass Standard Plus: $329 per year. Members receive 10 free visits, and ...
A premium credit card that offers a Priority Pass Select membership can get you into over 1,500 airport lounges. Here’s how to optimize your membership.