先验概率(Prior Probability)和后验概率(Posterior Probability)是统计学与贝叶斯推断中非常重要的概念: 1. **先验概率**: 先验概率是指在未考虑任何具体观测数据或新信息之前,对某个事件或假设发生的概率的估计。它是基于先前的经验、历史数据、专家判断或者其他背景知识来确定的概率。先验概率反映了我们对事件发生可能...
这个概率是统计得到的 (X的概率分布已知), 我们称其为先验概率(prior probability); 另外谈恋爱的人中80%是小姐姐,20%是男生;不谈恋爱的人中70%是小姐姐,30%是男生,这里我用离散变量Y表示性别取值,同时写出相应的条件概率(conditional probability)分布: ...
Equation (15) show that the Bayesian posterior probability formula for the actual use of a priori probability to describe the posterior probability of a likelihood function is used to characterize a function of the degree of prior probability and posterior probability of similarity. ...
while the other two do not. The prior probability of oil being found on acre C is one third, or 0.333. But if a drilling test is conducted on acre B, and the results indicate that no oil is present at the location, then the posterior probability of oil...
(1974a), "Prior and posterior probabilities and semantic informa- tion", in: G. Menges (ed.), Information, Inference and Decision, D. Reidel, Dor- drecht, pp. 167-180.Marschak, J. (1974a), "Prior and posterior probabilities and semantic information", In: G. Menges (ed.), ...
After receiving this information, the prior probability is updated and theposterior probability is computed. In order to perform the calculation, the conditional probability needs to be known. Example Suppose that an individual is extracted at random from a population consisting of two ethnic groups,...
Edge detection algorithm of Canny based on maximum between-classposterior probability 一种基于最大类间后验概率的Canny边缘检测算法 更多例句>> 5) prior probability 先验概率 1. Real-time weighted algorithm forprior probabilityin Bayesian criterion; ...
美 英 un.先验概率 网络事先概率;事前机率;先验机率 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 先验概率 例句
aP(ci) is the prior probability of cluster ci. The posterior probability P(o|ci) can be described by a set of multinomial distributions over the components of a mixture model of instances. We proposed 3 new methods to estimate it as: P (ci)是群ci的事前机率。 事后机率P (o ci)可以由...
1.On the Value of Information by Discussing Anterior Probability & Posterior Probability;由先验概率和后验概率谈信息的价值 2.New adaptive algorithm for segmenting image background based on prior probability model基于先验概率模型的自适应背景图像分割算法 3.Remote Sensing Land Use/Land Cover Classification...