This invention relates to means for determining the primaries in a system of color reproduction by printing. In co-pending application of Arthur C. Hardy, Serial No. 99,416, filed September 4, 1936, there is described and claimed a method for determining the primaries of a color reproduction...
The reported results were also critical to our other ongoing work using the printed surfaces described in this report, which is pending publication. These two studies focus on the in situ synthesis of silver nanoparticles on printed PLA surfaces used in antimicrobial applications, and the development...
combined point of purchase cash drawer and printer in response to the need for an easily integrated mobile POS system. In the mPOP we've created something that's aesthetically simple and elegant, yet loaded with intuitive design features. At just 10cm high and 30cm wide it's easily transporta...
of the Present invention. One example of an instance where it is desirable to make a relatively large number of im20) pressions from each Printing device fed into printing position is where business instruments of the kind described in the co-Pending application of Harold M. Whittlesey, ...
' . In the present invention the reaction products of ice color diazo components with guanyl-ureas are not claimed. Some of the compounds, however, are described and claimed in the copending application of Robert P. Parker, Serial No. 153,277 filed July 12, 1937, which application also ...
This invention is for improvements in ticket printing and issuing machines and has for its object the provision of a machine wherein an operator may select any desired denomination of a series whilst the impression of the same upon a ticket and the effective operation of a registering mechanism....
This invention relates to a new type of dyeing and printing assistant, dye compositions containing these assistants and products printed therefrom. Use of printing-color pastes containing dyes, particularly in printing operations using vat dyes, is sufficiently well-known so that the procedure... Ap...