字符和字符串参数被指定使用 C 和 S 通过 printf 系列函数被解释为 wchar_t 和 wchar_t*,或者由 wprintf 函数族解释为char 和 char* 。整数类型例如 short, int,long, long long,和它们的 unsigned 变量,通过使用 d, i, o, u, x,和 X 被指定。 浮点类型例如 float, double,和 long double,通过使用...
(wchar_t)0x0000; wc = 0xff11; /* UNICODE big 1 */ printf("%lc %ls\n\n",wc,ws); /* The output of this printf is not shown below and it */ /* will differ depending on the device you display it on,*/ /* but if you looked at the string in hex it would look */ /* ...
inline std::string ToString(wchar_t const * value) { std::string result; Format(result, "%ls", value); return result; } ASSERT("hello" == ToString(L"hello")); 也许你需要浮点数字格式: XML inline std::string ToString(double const value, unsigned const precision = 6) { std::strin...
(wchar_t)0x0000; wc = 0xff11; /* UNICODE big 1 */ printf("%lc %ls\n\n",wc,ws); /* The output of this printf is not shown below and it */ /* will differ depending on the device you display it on,*/ /* but if you looked at the string in hex it would look */ /* ...
wchar_t wtest[]=L"0m~K0m~UTest"; printf("printf:%S\n",wtest); //语句1:可正常输出"测试Test" wprintf(L"wprintf:%S\n",wtest); //语句2:无任何内容输出 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1 2 3 4 5 6
// crt_vsnwprintf.c// compile by using: cl /W3 crt_vsnwprintf.c// To turn off error C4996, define this symbol:#define_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS#include<stdio.h>#include<wtypes.h>#defineBUFFCOUNT (10)voidFormatOutput(LPCWSTR formatstring, ...){intnSize =0;wchar_tbuff[BU...
// crt_printf.c// This program uses the printf and wprintf functions// to produce formatted output.#include<stdio.h>intmain(void){charch ='h', *string="computer";wchar_twch = L'w', *wstring =L"Unicode";intcount =-9234;doublefp =251.7366;// Display integersprintf("Integer formats:...
string.h time.h uchar.h(自 C11 起)wchar.h(自 C95 起)size_t的定义取决于数据模型(Data ...
String 데이터 형식문자열 리터럴함수 WCHARL"string"RtlStringCbVPrintfW char"문자열"RtlStringCbVPrintfA pszDest및pszFormat이 겹치는 문자열을 가리키거나 인수 문자열이 겹치면 함수의 동작이 정의되지 않...
registerchar*fmt;/*format string*/registerintch;/*character from fmt*/registerintn, m;/*handy integers (short term usage)*/registerchar*cp;/*handy char pointer (short term usage)*/registerintflags;/*flags as above*/char*fmt_anchor;/*current format spec being processed*/#ifndef _NO_POS_...