win32_printer 类的 printtestpage 方法 一、概述 Win32_Printer类是Python中一个重要的模块,它用于管理Windows打印机。PrintTestPage方法则是该类中的一种功能,主要用于测试打印机的工作状态和性能。通过使用这个方法,我们可以方便地查看打印机是否能正常工作,输出质量如何等。 二、功能 1.测试打印机功能:PrintTest...
win32_printer类是Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI)提供的一种表示打印机设备的方式。它可以通过WMI查询来获取打印机的各种参数和状态。 printtestpage方法通常用于测试打印机的基本功能,如打印纸质文件。它是一种简单但有效的方法,帮助用户判断打印机是否正常工作。下面将详细介绍如何使用printtestpage方法。 首先,...
# Get a specific printer $printer = $printers | where {$ -eq "\\smallguy\HP LaserJet 5M"} # Display info "Printer share name: {0}\{1}" -f $printer.servername, $printer.sharename "Printer Port : {0} " -f $printer.PortName # Print a test page $printer.PrintTestPage()...
To check if your printer is working, you can try Windows OS to force the machine to print test pages. If you can print a test page successfully, you will only become sure that the printer is working correctly. Printing a printer test page is required for proper maintenance of your printe...
Win32_PrinterWMI 类表示连接到在 Microsoft Windows 操作系统上运行的计算机的设备,该计算机可以在纸张或其他介质上生成打印的图像或文本。以下语法从托管对象格式 (MOF) 代码中简化,包括所有继承的属性。语法syntax 复制 class Win32_Printer : CIM_Printer { uint32 Attributes; uint16 Availability; string Availab...
在Python中,要使用Win32_Printer类的printtestpage方法,首先需要安装pywin32库,这是一个用于操作Windows功能的库。可以使用以下命令进行安装: ``` pip install pywin32 ``` 接下来,我们可以使用以下代码来调用printtestpage方法: ```python from win32com.client import constants from win32com.client import gen...
In Windows 10 (x64), when I print a test page, the test page uses only blue and black ink. Is there a built-in Windows test page that uses all four colors: cyan, magenta, yellow, and black? I want to periodically use my printer so the print heads do not get clogged. So I wou...
Product: MFP M277dw Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) I just recieved this new printer and cannot get it to print. It is connected wirelessly. I have run the HP Print and Scan doctor and it says everything looks fine but when it comes time to print a test ...
Once the printer port is changed, to confirm the driver functionality and communication between printer and computer, print windows test page else click on "OK" button to exit the printer properties window. To print Windows Test Page, click on the "General" tab and click on "Print Test Page...
注意此函数已弃用到 Windows Vista。 建议在打印机上通过IContextMenu或ShellExecute调用谓词。 语法 C++复制 BOOLSHInvokePrinterCommandA( [in, optional] HWND hwnd, UINT uAction, [in] LPCSTR lpBuf1, [in, optional] LPCSTR lpBuf2, BOOL fModal ); ...