vbPixels 3 像素 vbCharacters 4 字符,水平 120 缇,垂直 240 缇 vbInches 5 英寸 vbMillimeters 6 毫米 vbCentimeters 7 厘米 vbHimetric 8 HiMetric vbContainerPosition 9 Units used by the control's container to determine the control's position. vbContainerSize 10 Units used by the control's contai...
There is another possible explanation for a clipped image. Some applications, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and CorelDRAW, use an internal 16-bit coordinate system which means that they cannot handle an image of more than 32,768 pixels. ...
There is another possible explanation for a clipped image. Some applications, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and CorelDRAW, use an internal 16-bit coordinate system which means that they cannot handle an image of more than 32,768 pixels. If you try to print an image larger than...
3、QRect fullRectPixels(int resolution) 返回给定分辨率下以设备像素为单位的整页矩形。 页面矩形考虑页面大小和页面方向,但不考虑页边距。 4、QRect fullRectPoints() 返回以 Postscript Points(1/72 英寸)为单位的整页矩形。 页面矩形考虑页面大小和页面方向,但不考虑页边距。 5、bool isEquivalentTo(const Q...
Both inkjet and laser printers produce raster graphics. Raster graphics are visual elements that are made up of tiny dots, or pixels. While they are capable of printing high-quality material, there is a limit to how precise they can be. As such, inkjet and laser printers aren’t the best...
Screen size:2.4 inch IPS Screen;Camera:720P camera;Camera mode:Photo album/continuous shooting/delay/3 minutes loop recording;TF card:Support 64GB (price without TF card);Battery:1200mAh; Continuous shutter for 1 hour/print 3-5 rolls of paper;Display ima
3、QRect fullRectPixels(int resolution) 返回给定分辨率下以设备像素为单位的整页矩形。 页面矩形考虑页面大小和页面方向,但不考虑页边距。 4、QRect fullRectPoints() 返回以 Postscript Points(1/72 英寸)为单位的整页矩形。 页面矩形考虑页面大小和页面方向,但不考虑页边距。
aux_size=printer.paperSize(QPrinter::Point); aux_size-=page_margins.size();//Calculates where the extreme width and height where delimiter lines will be drawnwidth=aux_size.width()/static_cast<float>(size) * size; height=aux_size.height()/static_cast<float>(size) * size;//Calculates th...
接口类型 USB 最大纸张尺寸 1006x640像素 黑白打印速度 700 cph 彩色打印速度 150 cph 最高分辩率 300 dpi 品牌 Ze Bra 原产地 Guangdong, China 保修期(年) 1年 售后服务 维修 软件开发工具包(SDK) 不支持 配件规格 323 YMCKO 单面: 150 cph
Supports standard size names for ISO and ANSI media sizes. Valid values are listed in the printerCapabilities topic. [MediaType <String>]: The default media (such as paper) type to print the document on. [MultipageLayout <String>]: printMultipageLayout [Orientation <String>]: print...