But it also meant beating Brother at their “Razor and Blades” business model that keeps you buying their expensive proprietary labels. A pattern of holes in the plastic label roll tells the printer what size labels are loaded, so [Dan] defeated that by breaking off a piece of the plastic...
39、Bysaying"awomanofherword"(Para.3),thewritermeansthatMrs.King___. A.alwayskeepsherpromise B.isagoodpublicspeaker C.knowscustomerswell D.iswelleducated 40、AsfarastheEuropeanmarketisconcerned,thewriterthinksthatSandRiverproducts___. A.arefit...
The poster is not a big, full color job, but rather a black and white one, roughly the size of a movie ticket. [Gocivici] keeps his movie tickets in a journal and wanted to be able to keep small posters in there along with them. A thermal printer is used to print the poster alon...
#1) Compatibility:The first and foremost thing to keep in mind is itscompatibility with the printeryou will use it with.For example,we cannot use sticker paper suitable for inkjet printers in laser printers. There is also the size of the paper sheets that need to be factored in. Not every...