Here are a few reasons The printer couldn’t print test page in Windows 10: Improper connection: Some older ones can only print when connected via a cable, and if that’s not the connection type, the error message will appear. Issues with the driver: If the printerdrivers are outdated, ...
Printer had worked well until 2 weeks ago, then stopped and said that it could not detect the Driver. I downloaded the driver - the one that was specific for LaserJet Pro M131nw first, and then the one that covered more printers: (M129-M134 PCLm-S). ...
✅ after adding a printer, test page will not print:I added a printer to my Windows 10 Surface Book system. It tells me to print the test page and that fails. When I try to navigate to the suggested...
printer.PrintTestPage() Write-Output "Test page has been sent to printer." 在这个例子中,我们首先使用WMI查询获取要使用的打印机对象,并将其存储在printer变量中。然后,我们调用该打印机对象的PrintTestPage()方法,该方法会发送一个测试页面到打印机。最后,我们打印一个简单的消息,确认测试页面已经发送到打印机...
# Get a specific printer $printer = $printers | where {$ -eq "\\smallguy\HP LaserJet 5M"} # Display info "Printer share name: {0}\{1}" -f $printer.servername, $printer.sharename "Printer Port : {0} " -f $printer.PortName # Print a test page $printer.PrintTestPage()...
SelectPrinter Propertiesfrom the pop-up menu. Select thePrint Test Pagebutton. Windows 11 From theStartmenu, selectSettings. SelectBluetooth & devices. SelectDevices. Then, at the bottom, under Related settings, selectDevices and printers.
We show you How to Print a Printer Test Page in a few simple steps and link to Seven Different Test Pages testing Colors, Alignment and Print Quality.
Without well-maintained drivers, the printer won’t print documents when prompted to by the computer. The HP printer drivers can be downloaded online if there is a steady internet connection, or one could buy a CD that contains the drivers compatible with the printer model. Most printers come...
Printer Status:If your printer will print a test page but is not printing other documents, you can confirm that you are experiencing a system or communication issue rather than a mechanical printer issue. If you don’t use your printer regularly, periodically printing a printer test page can ...
When your printer fails to work properly, and you cannot point out the problem by a simple troubleshooting procedure, the printer could be physically damaged. To find out if your printer is indeed damaged, you can use Windows to force the device to print out a test page. If this test is...