batch, watch, match, patch, itch, hatch, catch, crutch, fetch, hopscotch, pitch, sketch, stitch, switch dge Words Work on learningdge trigraphs(which are technically trigraphs as they are a grouping of three letters) with these free printable pages that include the followingdge trigraph words...
Give your little one perler beads and have them sort them into piles according to color (a greatcolor practiceandfine motor skillactivity!). Tip! You may want to place the beads into small plastic cups or bowls so they don’t roll all over the place! Have your child place the correspond...
Thank you for the chance to fill my grandson with pride and me with the joy of being able to print out their pictures and make my wall collage! Winning this would definitely make us all do the happy dance!! Fingers crossed and thanks again for the chance to win this amazing printer!
…In which Anne unknowingly gives me an excuse to work out some bookbinding stitch ideas that have been floating around in the back of my mind… This is terribly generous of you, and looks like you’ve put a lot of work into it, Anne. Thank you! Anne says: May 14, 2015 at 6:18...