sensors Review Printable Electrochemical Biosensors: A Focus on Screen-Printed Electrodes and Their Application Keiichiro Yamanaka 1, Mun'delanji C. Vestergaard 2,* and Eiichi Tamiya 1 1 Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka 565-0871, Japan; k-...
SSI The slip-stick index was calculated by multiplying the raw data RMS value by 53.5 and then dividing by the mean load value. SSI is a dimensionless value and is an indication of the shockiness of the unwind. The higher the value the more shocky the unwind. In general, an SSI below...
Sozer, C.; Paterno, L.; Tortora, G.; Menciassi, A. A Novel Pressure-Controlled Revolute Joint with Variable Stiffness. Soft Robot. 2021; in press. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Sadeghi, A.; Beccai, L.; Mazzolai, B. Innovative Soft Robots Based on Electro-Rheological Fluids....
personal personell->personnel personnell->personnel persuded->persuaded persue->pursue persued->pursued persuing->pursuing persuit->pursuit persuits->pursuits pertubation->perturbation pertubations->perturbations pessiary->pessary petetion->petition Pharoah->Pharaoh phenomenom->phenomenon phenomenonal->phe...
33..22.. FFrraaccttiioonnaall CCoonnttrrooll ooff CCoolloorr aanndd CCoommppoossiittee MMiixxiinngg MMuullttii--mmaatteerriiaallss ccaann bbee cchhooppppeedd ssiimmuullttaanneeoouussllyy,, aass sshhoowwnn iinn VViiddeeooSS22.. IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, tthhee ssyysstteemm ccaann ...
yield stress and plastic viscosity can be expressed by Equation (5): τ ==τ 0 + µγ ((55)) wwhheerreeττaannddττ00 rreepprreesseenntttthheesshheeaarrssttrreessssaannddyyiieellddssttrreessss,,rreessppeeccttiivveellyy;;µμisistthheepplalasstticicvvisisccoossitityy;;γγiiss tthhee...
Screen Printing The screen printing process is suitable for almost all types of substrates and is widely used in textileT,heelescctrreoennicpsr,incetirnagmpicr,ogcelassssi,sasnuditaobthleerfofirealdlms o[4st7–a5ll1]ty. pTehseosfcsruebenstrpartienstianngdpisrowceidsseliys ushseodwinn it...
To overcome such limitations and to extend the application of disperse dyes, color polymer nanospheres based on disperse dyes are studied and show great potential in inkjet inks. Color polymer nanospheres combine dyes acting as an essential ingredient and suitable polymeric matrix, exhibiting good ...