state map with major cities and capital labeled state flags flower of the state state bird famous state landmark States included: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, ...
Years ago, we had a magnetic version of the License Plate Game. The kids played it on every single road trip. But, we started losing pieces and it was time to retire it. They still play the license plate game on paper, but they liked the magnetic version a lot. This got me thinking...
Civil War Zouave Jacket Issued to Either the 72nd Pennsylvania "Baxter's Fire Zouaves" or the 95th Pennsylvania "Gosline Zouaves". The dark blue jacket is trimmed in red worsted ½-inch tape along the collar, cuffs, and edges with a corresponding 1/8-inch line of red worsted wool trim...
nothing came up, but that wasn't too surprising. her murder happened twenty-seven years ago and was essentially pre-internet. i pulled up a map of martinsburg, pennsylvania, and that's where things started to get hazy. martinsburg was nothing but a pinprick, just a dot on a minor route...