2.1.7 Section 2.3, Body Element and Document Types 2.1.8 Section 2.3.1, Text Documents 2.1.9 Section 2.3.2, Drawing Documents 2.1.10 Section 2.3.3, Presentation Documents 2.1.11 Section 2.3.4, Spreadsheet Documents 2.1.12 Section 2.3.5, Chart Documents 2.1.13 Section 2.3.6, Image Docume...
The printable version is no longer supported and may have rendering errors. Please update your browser bookmarks and please use the default browser print function instead. Click to go back to theBally/Stern solid state repair guides index. Some later -35 Bally games used a combination of the s...
2.1.7 Section 2.3, Body Element and Document Types 2.1.8 Section 2.3.1, Text Documents 2.1.9 Section 2.3.2, Drawing Documents 2.1.10 Section 2.3.3, Presentation Documents 2.1.11 Section 2.3.4, Spreadsheet Documents 2.1.12 Section 2.3.5, Chart Documents 2.1.13 Section 2.3.6, Image Docum...
2.1.7 Section 2.3, Body Element and Document Types 2.1.8 Section 2.3.1, Text Documents 2.1.9 Section 2.3.2, Drawing Documents 2.1.10 Section 2.3.3, Presentation Documents 2.1.11 Section 2.3.4, Spreadsheet Documents 2.1.12 Section 2.3.5, Chart Documents 2.1.13 Section 2.3.6, Image Docum...