actor, costumer and set builder for his unique “retelling” of five favorite Disney animated tales in “Olaf Presents,” a series of new animated shorts from Walt Disney Animation Studios. The charismatic and versatile Olaf demonstrates his theatrical flair...
Liz can't wait to see how her school picture came out, but when she sees it, all she can think about is getting retakes. That is until she finds a creative way to deal with the embarrassing photograph. 4th Grade A Monster out of a Molehill (Fiction) Things can look a lot scarier ...
“The Lion King” is the fifth title to join the Walt Disney Signature Collection, which includes groundbreaking films created or inspired by the imagination and legacy of Walt Disney, featuring timeless stories and characters that have touched generations. It takes its place alongside “Snow White ...
Once upon a time in the enchanting world of Disney, there lived a feathered friend who was always up for adventures and mischief. His name? None other than the one and only Donald Duck! It’s your turn to dive headfirst into the whimsical world of Donald Duck Coloring Pages. Picture a...
October 6, 1889 -Thomas Edison showed the 1st motion picture. October 24, 1945-The United Nations came into existence. October 14, 1964-Martin Luther King Jr was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. October 1, 1971 -The Walt Disney World Resort officially opened. ...
Picture this: You’ve been planning your Thanksgiving dinner for weeks. You carefully selected all your recipes, bought the ingredients and invited a dozen or more of your closest family and friends for the big feast. Thanksgiving day finally arrives. You’ve chopped, whisked, basted and prep...
This week students will be spelling proper nouns. Statue of Liberty, Antarctica, February, Pacific Ocean, Niagara Falls, January, Empire State Building, San Diego Zoo, Mt. Everest, Walt Disney, Golden Gate Bridge, Jupiter, Grand Canyon, December, Queen Elizabeth, Eiffel Tower, Friday, Florida,...