The hairless red head of the bald uakari gives this small monkey an almost human-like appearance. This bizarre-looking primate is found in the western reaches of the Amazon Rainforest in South America. Sadly, hunting and habitat loss mean that the bald uakari now has a conservation status of...
Of course, all of this is superstition born out of people misunderstanding the hare's natural habits. The song"The Fabled Hare"by Maddy Priorbeautifully explains the mystical human perception of the hare and the creature's reality. I first heard it many years ago as it was written specially ...
Using the Internet, research the history of the Winter Olympics. Talk about the significance of the Olympic rings. Create a “world passport” and learn about the different countries participating in the Olympics. For each country, record one fact, find a picture of an animal, draw a national...
The Clown Prince of Crime in Batman v1 #23.The Joker was a male human who lived in the modern age where he terrorised Gotham City. One account claimed that he was once an ordinary lab worker who found his job unfulfilling and decided to turn to crime in order to become rich. To ...