Stand tall with your legs hip-width apart and feet facing forward. Straighten your arms out alongside your body. Pretend to be asnowflake driftingdown from the sky. Close your eyes (or gaze down in front of you) and take a few deep, calming breaths. Mountain Pose 2. Tree Pose. Pretend...
How to Practice Chair Pose:Stand tall in Mountain Pose with your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees, and pretend you areriding a broom like a witch. Chair Pose 5. Bat How to Practice Standing Forward Bend:From Mountain Pose, bend your upper body, reach for your toes, and hang like...
We will cover the basic history and little-known facts and learn exercises to help with dexterity. We will start with a fun art and color exercise (colored pencils and graph paper included) where we will draw our own patterns with 2 colors and 3 colors and knit away! Mistakes are allowed...