Realistic bills. Suitable for money lesson plans. Create paper money. Single Printable Play Money Pages $1 BILL ONE DOLLAR BILLS $5 BILL FIVE DOLLAR BILLS $10 BILL TEN DOLLAR BILL $20 BILL TWENTY DOLLAR BILLS $50 BILL FIFTY DOLLAR BILLS All currency worksheets are for educational purposes on...
It is also helpful to grab real or fake coins for each card so kids can physically maneuver the coins as they count to find the total on each card. Children that aren’t yet ready to count coins, can still use the set of coin cards in a different way. Simply draw a card, identify...
Tip:One way to incentivize a job well done, so to speak, is by combining this free chore chart with thisfree printable play money template. Assign (fake) dollar values to the jobs on the chore calendar printable, give your child this fake money as payment, and allow him or her to exch...
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