A printable form for assessing and reporting pain, with descriptions of the type of discomfort. Includes outlines of the front and back of a patient. Easy to download and print
Dr. Bronners Travel Size Soaps can double as hand, body, and sometimes shampoo for hair if you are really traveling minimally!One of the best ways to minimize toiletries is to choose multi-use products or items.Determine if there are any products you already own that can work double-duty....
All of those dragon colours work really well for Luna New Year and it would be wonderful to have a set of different coloured dragons dangling the classroom. You can even had some gold glitter (eco frienldy please) and add that touch of sparkle fun to your dragons body! Pain the paper p...
Conservation status:Endangered The Tasmanian devil is the largest living carnivorous marsupial. The size of a small dog, this Australian mammal has a powerful, squat build and large head. It has one of the strongest bites in relation to body size of any animal. The species is only found on ...