Forint64_ttype: int64_tt;printf("%"PRId64"\n", t); foruint64_ttype: uint64_tt;printf("%"PRIu64"\n", t); you can also usePRIx64to print in hexadecimal. These macros are defined ininttypes.h
memcpy(&b, &a,sizeof(uint32_t)); printf("%d kjfsfljs\n", b);//out: 2 kjfsfljs (说明是小端)return0; } printf函数详细讲解 (1)简介: printf函数是c语言当中非常重要的格式化输出函数 其函数原型为:int printf(const char *format, ...); 其函数返回值:打印出的字符格式 其调用格式为:printf...
void nvme_show_discovery_log(struct nvmf_discovery_log *log, uint64_t numrec, enum nvme_print_flags flags) { nvme_print(discovery_log, flags, log, numrec); } void nvme_show_connect_msg(nvme_ctrl_t c, enum nvme_print_flags flags) ...
nd_ipv4 agent; nd_uint32_t agent_id; nd_uint32_t seqnum; nd_uint32_t uptime; nd_uint32_t samples; }; struct sflow_v6_datagram_t { nd_uint32_t version; nd_uint32_t ip_version; nd_ipv6 agent; nd_uint32_t agent_id; ...
typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t; #endif 内容很简单 3. print函数 接下来是本篇文章主要新增的代码实现: TI_GDT equ 0 RPL0 equ 0 SELECTOR_VIDEO equ (0x0003<<3) + TI_GDT + RPL0 [bits 32] section .data put_int_buffer dq 0 ;定义8字节缓冲区用于数字到字符的转换 ...
static void json_single_property(int offset, uint64_t value64) { struct json_object *r = json_create_object(); char json_str[STR_LEN]; uint32_t value32 = (uint32_t)value64;if (human()) { json_single_property_human(offset, value64, r); ...
nd_uint64_t dccph_reset_ack; /* always 8 bytes, first 2 reserved */ nd_uint8_t dccph_reset_code; nd_uint8_t dccph_reset_data1; nd_uint8_t dccph_reset_data2; nd_uint8_t dccph_reset_data3; }; enum dccp_pkt_type { DCCP_PKT_REQUEST = 0, DCCP_PKT_RESPONSE, DCCP_PKT_D...
cTotal.append("元"); print(cTotal); /* [数值范围] 变量类型的最大最小值 类型 大小(字节) 区间值 Int8 1 字节 -128 到 127 UInt8 1 字节 0 到 255 Int32 4 字节 -2147483648 到 2147483647 UInt32 4 字节 0 到 4294967295 Int64 8 字节 -9223372036854775808 到 9223372036854775807 ...
uint I32 o, u, x, or X long I64 d, i, o, x, or X ulong I64 o, u, x, or X Type specifier is the only obligatory field for formatted output. Symbol Type Output Format c int Symbol of short type (Unicode) C int Symbol of char type (ANSI) ...
uint_tensor = torch.ones(1, dtype=torch.uint8) C#: varfloat_tensor = torch.ones(1, dtype: torch.float32); vardouble_tensor = torch.ones(1, dtype: torch.float64); varcomplex_float_tensor = torch.ones(1, dtype: torch.complex64); ...