printf("%llu leon %d\n", a, rc);//out: 4294967298 leon -5printf("%d leon %d\n", a, rc);//out: 2 leon 1printf("%d again %d %d\n", a,rc);//out: 2 again 1 -5uint32_t b ; memcpy(&b, &a,sizeof(uint32_t)); printf("%d kjfsfljs\n", b);//out: 2 kjfsfljs (...
printf("kpioc : %u\n", ctrl->kpioc); if (human) stdout_id_ctrl_kpioc(ctrl->kpioc); printf("mptfawr : %d\n", le16_to_cpu(ctrl->mptfawr)); printf("megcap : %s\n", uint128_t_to_l10n_string(le128_to_cpu(ctrl->megcap))); ...
typedef signed short int int16_t; typedef signed int int32_t; typedef signed long long int int64_t; typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned short int uint16_t; typedef unsigned int uint32_t; typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t; #endif 内容很简单 3. print函数 接下来是本篇...,p.value);}};intmain(){fmt::println("hello~");std::vector<uint32_t>vec_int{2,...
printf("\tBoot Partition Read Offset (BPROF): %x\n", NVME_BPRSEL_BPROF(bprsel)); printf("\tBoot Partition Read Size (BPRSZ): %x\n", NVME_BPRSEL_BPRSZ(bprsel)); }static void stdout_registers_bpmbl(uint64_t bpmbl) { printf("\tBoot Partition Memory Buffer Base Address (BMBBA):...
j和整数转换说明符一起使用 表示一个intmax_t或者uintmax_t类型的数值 ,示例:%jd,%8jx l和整数转换说明符一起使用 表示一个long int 或者unsigned long int类型的数值 ,示例:%ld,%8lu ll和整数转换说明符一起使用 表示一个long int 或者unsigned long int类型的数值 (C99),示例:%lld,%8llu L和浮点转换...
void Log::print(uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t size) { uint32_t i = 0; while (i < size) { print < const char* > ("0x"); if (buffer[i] < 0x10) print < uint8_t > (0); print < uint8_t > (buffer[i]); print < const char* > (", "); i++; } } ...
虽然linux系统的默认标准输出设备是显示器,但是我们可以把printf打印输出的内容重定向到其他设备或文件。方法如下: 方法1: 打开一个普通文件,把它的文件描述符指定为标准输出的文件描述符,这样printf打印输出的数据会重定向到这个普通文件。 示例如下: AI检测代码解析 ...
#include<stdio.h>#include<inttypes.h>intmain(){union{floatf;uint32_tu32; } test; test.f =5.0;printf("first print test data is %08"PRIx32" test %p\n", test.u32, (void*)&test);//fflush(stdout);printf("second print test data is %08"PRIx32" test %p\n",...
int len = vsprintf((char *) txBuf, string, arg); va_end(arg); UARTSend((uint8_t *) txBuf, len); COLOR_ENDL(); } My question is that when I print message through UART, I get the flowing issue. My baudrate in my ter...