# test_example.py def test_print(): print("This is a test print statement.") assert True 确认pytest命令行参数是否包含限制输出的选项: pytest提供了一些命令行选项来控制输出,例如-q(quiet)或--tb=no等,这些选项可能会抑制某些输出。确保你没有使用这些会抑制print输出的选项。通常,直接运行pytest而不...
To get moviepy working for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS users, comment out the following statement in/etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml: or, simply runsudo ./scripts/fix-moviepy-on-ubuntu-1604.sh To run workers to generate movies (optional - only needed to use the movie generation flow): ...
Scylla doesn't allow for the types of arguments or the return type of a UDF to be frozen. As a result, before these changes, create statements produced to restore UDFs as part of DESCRIBE statement...
In this statement, we import all the decorated methods that we have created in views.py of the hello2 Blueprint. If required, we can import only those methods/controllers that are ready to be used or tested. Register A Flask Blueprint With Flask App Now let us open __init__.py under...
Alter the parent blueprint's private attrs in the app fixture — adding these lines after the yield statement also fixes the problem for a given parent blueprint but is not a very flexible solution overall: parent._blueprints = [] parent._got_registered_once = False Environment: Python versi...