you won’t be able to use your printer. That means print spooler services should be running, so you can print properly. You can start Print Spooler service through Services tool and fix the problem. But sometimes, when you start Printer Spooler services, ...
The Print Spooler is essentially an app that manages printing jobs. Thanks to the spooler, you can send jobs from your PC to the printer machine, a print server, and other devices within a network. Your printer relies on the Print Spooler to work; according to users, it often crashes. O...
The Print Spooler stops automatically for many reasons. It may be due to corrupt or outdated system files and printer drivers, Print Spooler service settings are set to manual, or third-party programs are interfering with the print spooler. Print Spooler Service keeps stopping automatically in Wind...
If you’re encountering the issue of the Print Spooler constantly stopping on yourWindows 11 Fix: Print Spooler keeps stopping on Windows 11/10 Fix 1: Check print spooler service 1. Open Run by pressing Win + R keys and type services.msc. Click OK. 2. Right-click on Print Spooler and ...
If you’re facing the error message “The print spooler service is not running” when you try to print a document or any file then don’t worry as we are going to seehow to fix print spooler keeps stopping on Windows 10 issue. After facing this error, you may try to start the print...
The Print Spooler is a service that handles printers and print jobs in Windows 10. But multiple things—such as corrupt files, obsolete drivers, and insufficient permissions—can stop it from functioning correctly. So if the Print Spooler crashes, fails to start, or keeps stopping as you perfor...
4. Launch ‘services.msc’ > Locate the Print Spooler service and ensure it is set to log on as ‘Local System’. Note: As shown, from here you can manually start the service, but for now we will leave it as it is. x 5. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to; ...
Read Next:Print Spooler Service keeps stopping automatically in Windows.
I am using Windows 7 64-bit and both of my printers are Canons. One is Wireless and one is connected via USB. The drivers seem to be installing correctly, but the spooler will not stay on. When the spooler service is set to automatic, the spooler stops when I open Devices and Printe...
Print spooler service keeps stopping indicating spoolsv.exe failed in logs. any suggestions Anonymous July 28, 2011 The other day I tried to print a file and got the print spooler stopped msg, did my best to follow all the great tips here, updated to Win service pak 3 so I could run ...