System.Windows.Forms AccessibileEvents Accessiblenavigation Accessibleobject AccessibleRole AccessibleSelection AccessibleStates AmbientProperties AnchorStyles Aspetto Applicazione Application.MessageLoopCallback Applicationcontext ArrangeDirection Arrangestartingposition ArrowDirection Completamento automaticoMode Autocompletesource...
RichTextBoxSelectionAttribute RichTextBoxSelectionTypes Richtextboxstreamtype RichTextBoxWordPunctuations RightToLeft Rowstyle SaveFileDialog Screen ScreenOrientation ScrollableControl ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdges ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdgesConverter ScrollBar ScrollBarRenderer BarreScorrimento ScrollButton Scroll...
Two classic keyboard shortcuts, PrtScn and Alt+PrtScn, copy the full screen or the current window, respectively, to the Clipboard. You can paste that ephemeral capture into a Word document or an image editor to save it for posterity. Another new shortcut in Windows 10, Windows key + Shif...
NSTextViewDidChangeSelectionEventArgs NSTextViewDoubleClickEventArgs NSTextViewDraggedCellEventArgs NSTextViewEventMenu NSTextViewGetCandidates NSTextViewGetUndoManager NSTextViewLink NSTextViewOnTextCheck NSTextViewSelectCandidate NSTextViewSelectionChange NSTextViewSelectionShouldChange NSTextViewSelectionWillChange...
The flyout that displays advanced print settings is 646 pixels wide and at least 768 pixels high (the actual height depends on the resolution of the user's screen). The Back button in the title area of the flyout is provided by Windows. "App Title" text is the app title from the app...
WindowsmacOSiOSAndroidWeb Use PowerPoint with your keyboard and a screen reader to print the slides, handouts, and notes pages for your presentation. We have tested it with Narrator, JAWS, and NVDA, but it might work with other screen readers as long as they follow co...
If you print a specific selection on a worksheet frequently, you can define a print area that includes just that selection. A print area is one or more ranges of cells that you designate to print when you don't want to print the entire worksheet. When you print a worksh...
PointsToScreenPixelsY PrintOut PrintPreview RangeFromPoint ScrollIntoView ScrollWorkbookTabs SmallScroll Windows Workbook WorkbookClass WorkbookConnection WorkbookEvents WorkbookEvents_ActivateEventHandler WorkbookEvents_AddinInstallEventHandler WorkbookEvents_AddinUninstallEventHandler WorkbookEvents_AfterSaveEventHandler Workb...
All UWP device apps can be launched from Start, where they'll be displayed full-screen. Use the Start experience to highlight your product or services in a way that matches the specific branding and features of your devices. There are no special restrictions on the type of UI controls it ...
The built in Windows firewall might display a security alert. To install the HP ePrint Software, clickAllow access. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the HP ePrint Software, and then clickFinishto complete the installation.