TheprintAltPrime()method prints the alternate prime numbers upto the value passed as an argument. Do read the comments to understand the logic of the program. classJavaExample{//method for checking prime numberstaticintcheckPrime(intnum){inti,flag=0;for(i=2;i<=num/2;i++){if(num%i==0)...
Step 3− Print all the left-out positive numbers from the main list. Step 4− Run the program and then check the result. The Python File Contains this Open Compiler lowNum=-40highNum=70mainlist=[]mainlistcopy=[]#Making the main list with integers starting from lowNum and upto High...
("\nUsing Method-1: Using Recursion. Provided Number: " + number); // printing Fibonacci series upto number for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++) { log(fibonacciRecusion(i) + " "); } log("\nMethod-2: Fibonacci number at location " + number + " is ==> " + (fibonacciLoop...
Python program to print Palindrome numbers from the given list # Give size of listn=int(input("Enter total number of elements: "))# Give list of numbers having size nl=list(map(int,input().strip().split(" ")))# Print the input listprint("Input list elements are:", l)# Check thr...
C++ - Print Fibonacci series up to N C++ - Find quotient & remainder C++ - Convert decimal number to binary C++ - Convert binary to decimal number C++ - Print number & string entered by user C++ - Check whether number is prime or not C++ - Find LCM of two numbers C++ - Find GCD of...
How to Create Multi Level (Upto 3 Level) left Menu in Asp.Net MVC How to create schedule job in C# in mvc web app? How To Create Sub Dropdown menu in MVC 5 ? How to create video conference in mvc ? How to deal with BLOBs in most effective way? How to Declare global ...
How to Create Multi Level (Upto 3 Level) left Menu in Asp.Net MVC How to create schedule job in C# in mvc web app? How To Create Sub Dropdown menu in MVC 5 ? How to create video conference in mvc ? How to deal with BLOBs in most effective way? How to Declare global ...