path = '/path/to/file.txt' print(os.path.basename(path)) print(os.path.dirname(path)) 23. 网络请求 发送HTTP请求和处理响应,使用requests库: python 复制代码 import requests url = '' response = requests.get(url) print(response.json()) 24. 数据库连接 连接和操...
import os.path if os.path.exists("file.txt"): print("File exists.") else: print("File not found.") 11. 获取文件大小 import os.path print(os.path.getsize("file.txt")) 12. 获取环境变量 import os print(os.environ.get("PATH")) 13. 设置环境变量 import os os.environ["MY_VARIABLE"...
classFilePrinter:def__init__(self,filepath):self.filepath=filepathdefopen_file(self):"""打开文件并准备读取"""self.file=open(self.filepath,'r')defprint_first_n_lines(self,n):"""打印文件的前 n 行"""for_inrange(n):line=self.file.readline()print(line.strip())defclose_file(self):"...
>>> profession = "comedian" >>> affiliation = "Monty Python" >>> "Hello, %s %s. You are %s. You are a %s. You were a member of %s." % (first_name, last_name, age, profession, affiliation) 'Hello, Eric Idle. You are 74. You are a comedian. You were a member of Monty P...
ifos.path.isdir(fi_d):# 如果该路径下的文件是文件夹 print("\t"*n, fi) read(fi_d, n+1)# 继续进行相同的操作 else: print("\t"*n, fi)# 递归出口. 最终在这里隐含着return #递归遍历目录下所有文件 read('d:/',0) 六.二分查找 ...
import logging from icecream import ic def warn(s): logging.warning(s) ic.configureOutput(outputFunction=warn) ic('eep') # WARNING:root:ic| /absolute/path/to/ in <module> 'eep': 'eep' 输出格式的参数含义: prefix:每行输出的前缀信息,默认是“ic|”。 outputFunction:把每个ic...
self.connection.close()defemit(self, record):"""Inserting new logging record to mongo database."""ifself.collectionisnotNone:try:ifos.path.basename(__file__)notinrecord.pathname:getattr(self.collection, write_method)(self.format(record))exceptException:ifnotself.fail_silently: ...
Pretty-print tabular data in Python, a library and a command-line utility. The main use cases of the library are: printing small tables without hassle: just one function call, formatting is guided by the data itself authoring tabular data for lightweight plain-text markup: multiple output form...
【python】print函数从python2转换为python3形式 I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space.特别鸣谢:木芯工作室 、Ivan from Russia 区别 python3 相对于 python2 多了一个括号,如果手动一个个修改的话,工作量比较大 习惯python3的写法就不愿意用python2的语法规则。碰巧...
在Python 中有一个标准的 logging 模块,我们可以使用它来进行标注的日志记录,利用它我们可以更方便地进行日志记录,同时还可以做更方便的级别区分以及一些额外日志信息的记录,如时间、运行模块信息等。 这里我就不写日志记录的流程整体框架,有兴趣的小伙伴们可以访问该链接了解:Python 日志记录流程的整体框架 :https:/...