even=[] odd=[] whilelen(numbers)>0: number=numbers.pop() if(number%2==0): even.append(number) else: odd.append(number) print(even,odd) #[42,20,26,32][15,13] python如何用print打印出列表 直接使用print函数就可以了,举个例子: L=['apple','fruit']#定义一个列表 print(L)#输出一个...
So the final output of this code will be a new list containing only the odd numbers from the original list, i.e., [7, 25, 27]. Flowchart: Even Numbers between 1 to 100: Python Code Editor: Previous:Write a Python program to generate a 3*4*6 3D array whose each element is *. ...
搜索智能精选题目在Python中,numbers=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],执行print(numbers[:4])的结果为:( ) A. [4] B. [5] C. [1, 2, 3, 4] D. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]答案C
分析给定的Python代码: numbers = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]:定义了一个包含5个整数的列表numbers。 squared_numbers = [num ** 2 for num in numbers]:使用列表推导式遍历numbers列表中的每个元素,并将其平方后存入新列表squared_numbers中。 print(squared_numbers):打印squared_numbers列表的内容。 理解列表推导...
编写一个Python函数,接收一个整数列表作为参数,返回列表中所有偶数的平均值。 ```python def average_even(numbers): evens = [x for x in numbers if x % 2 == 0] if len(evens) == 0: return 0 return sum(evens) / len(evens) numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...
'''Prints the maximum of two numbers.The two values must be integers.'''x=int(x)y=int(y)if x>y:print(x,'is maximum')else:print(y,'is maximum')printMax(3,5)print (printMax._doc_) 代码如上,然而执行结果如下>>> 5 is maximumTraceback (most recent call last):File "D:/Python...
print('odd'ifint(input('Enter a number: '))%2else'even') 交换变量 在Python中如果需要交换变量的值,我们无需定义临时变量来操作。我们一般使用如下代码来实现变量交换: v1 = 100v2 = 200# bad practicetemp = v1v1 = v2v2 = temp 但是更好的处理方法如下: ...
Python Basic: Exercise-28 with Solution Write a Python program to print all even numbers from a given list of numbers in the same order and stop printing any after 237 in the sequence. Sample numbers list: numbers = [ 386, 462, 47, 418, 907, 344, 236, 375, 823, 566, 597, 978,...
单项选择题在Python中,numbers=[1,2,3,4,5],执行print(numbers[:4])的结果为()A.[4]B.[5]C.[1,2,3,4]D.[1,2,3,4,5]点击查看答案 您可能感兴趣的试卷你可能感兴趣的试题 1.单项选择题在Python中,字典最外层使用() A.()括起来B.[]括起来C.{}括起来D.""引起来 点击查看答案 2.单项...
even_or_odd = lambda a: a%2==0 numbers = [1,2,3,4,5] even = list(map(even_or_odd,numbers)) print(even) # [False, True, False, True, False] 5. 装饰器 装饰器是 Python 的一个特性,它可以在不显式修改现有代码的情况下向现有代码添加一些新功能。