插入元素: 插入元素: 在列表指定位置idx添加元素aList.insert(idx, a)(原先idx位置的元素及其后面的元素会自动后移) ; 删除元素: 删除元素: 删除LIst中的某一项,函数List.remove(), 括号中填写要删除的内容 List各元素中插入元素: List各元素中插入元素:“string”.join(List) example: 查索引(.index .index...
List=['1','2','3'] print(List) for x in List: print(x) 1. 2. 3. 4. 输出结果: 1 2 3 1.深入研究循环 循环是一种重要的概念,它是计算机自动完成重复工作的常见方式。如前面的例子,Python首先读取到 for x in List: 1. 对于循环中的每个元素,都会执行for循环中的语句。另外,在编写for循环...
Print list using join() function Printing a list in Python using the join() function provides a concise way to display all elements of the list as a single string. This method is efficient and useful when you want to customize the separator between list elements. my_list = ['apple', '...
Here is an example of a simple list: sample_list = ['FavTutor', 1, 2.3, ['Python', 'is', 'fun']] print(sample_list) Output: ['FavTutor', 1, 2.3, ['Python', 'is', 'fun']] How to Print a List in Python? We usually require a list of values to be outputted in codi...
So now that we have got the crux of lists let’s jump into how to print them. We will discuss six methods to print a list. For simplicity’s sake, I will use the same list in all examples. listDemo = [1,2.5,"hello world",True]Code language:Python(python) Let’s get started...
list1=['a','b','c']for i,item in enumerate(list1): print(f"{i}:{item}")输出::a1:b2:c 输出两个 Python 列表 若要将两个列表一起输出,可以使用for循环和zip()函数。zip()函数返回一个迭代器,该迭代器是一个元组,循环遍历并输出列表元素。list1=['a','b','c']list2=['a2','...
共有四种方法,分别是print直接输出、通过List列表输出、通过字典输出和通过zip方式输出 注,列表的序列图标是符号大全http://www.fhdq.net/index.html复制的 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 #输出《红楼梦》中的金陵十二钗前5位 '''第一种方式:直接输出''' ...
Image 2 - Printing a Python list in a for loop (image by author) Here, you can see that I was able to loop through each element of my list without having to specify each element manually. Imagine how much work this would save if your list had 50,000 elements instead of just three!
一般的,简单的for循环可以打印出list的内容:l=[1,2,3,4]for i in l:print(i)若想得到以空格或逗号为分隔符的输出结果,代码可改为:l=[1,2,3,4]for i in l:print(i,end=' ')#以空格为分隔符 输出结果为:1 2 3 4 (注意,此时4后面还有一个空格)。l=[1,2,3,4]for i ...
Thejoin()function in Python is used to join elements of any iterable like a list, a tuple, or a string with the help of a string separator; this method returns a concatenated string as an output. Look at the example below. list=["Five","Ten","Fifteen","Twenty"]print(" ".join(lis...