3 后续还有十几份表单,打印页码,打印份数各有差异。总之,逐次点选,输入页码、份数,再打印,的确比较繁琐。使用VBA代码编程实现自动打印,VBA代码如下1st;4 VBA代码如下2nd;5 VBA代码如下3rd;6 VBA代码如下4th;7 VBA代码如下5th;8 VBA代码如下6th;9 VBA代码如下7th;
for i in range(0, len(data), 6)] # 循环打印分组后的内容 for group in grouped_data: print(group) # 将分组后的内容存入 Excel 文档 df = pd.DataFrame({'内容': grouped_data}) df.to_excel(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source_file), file_name), index=False) # 自动打开 Excel 文档 ...
In thePrint Previewsection, you can see the newly added product and its records in this print area. Read More:Excel VBA: Set Print Area for Multiple Ranges Method 2 –Setting Print Area Dynamically Using VBA FIND Function ➤ FollowStep-02ofMethod 1. ➤ Enter the following code: Sub set...
DimMyVar MyVar ="Come see me in the Immediate pane."Debug.Print MyVar 另請參閱 物件(Visual Basic for Applications) 支援和意見反應 有關於 Office VBA 或這份文件的問題或意見反應嗎? 如需取得支援服務並提供意見反應的相關指導,請參閱Office VBA 支援與意見反應。
VBAfunction can directly be accessed byAlt+F11. Make sure that you have clicked the same worksheet whose Print Preview you want before typing the Activesheet function in theVBAwindow. Download Practice Workbook You can download the free Excel template from here and practice on your own....
Good morning all, I am currently set up a VBA script to print out user selected area and save it in pdf format. However, I am always having bugs in the...
VBA 中Debug.Print 的作用是将代码执行结果显示在“立即窗口”中。比如,我们按ALT+F11组合键,打开VBE窗口,插入——模块,输入下面的代码:Sub 测试()Debug.Print "ab"End Sub 将光标定位域代码中任意位置,按F5键执行代码,在立即窗口就会显示代码执行结果。下图就是执行Debug.Print "ab"的效果。又...
1.本节课主要讲的是VBA基础-2,点击【开发工具】-【Visual Basic】,选择ThisWorkbook,在将模式选择【BeforePrint】。 2.在代码处在写上If ActiveSheet.Name<>"成绩表"Then Cancel=True。 3.在下面在输入写入密码的代码,Do x=InputBox("请输入打印密码“) Loop U ...
书名:深入浅出Excel VBA 作者名:杨洋 本章字数:879字 更新时间:2024-01-05 16:12:12 举报 上QQ阅读APP看后续精彩内容 下载QQ阅读APP,本书新人免费读10天设备和账号都新为新人 登录订阅本章 >