When you specify a print area (marked by a blue box as the following screenshot shown), Excel will only print the contents within that designated area. If no print area is set, Excel defaults to printing the entire worksheet. Set one or more print areas in a sheet ...
The additional printer's properties should be the same except two properties: "Color Print" and "1-Sided Print"As Excel will only print the active worksheet in color and the other sheets will print in Black & White. You can select the first sheet and set the print to color then the nex...
Print What: Use to choose between printing only the active (selected) worksheets in the workbook (the default), the entire workbook, the current cell selection in the current worksheet, or the currently selected table in the current worksheet. Alt+P, A ...
put your serial key below.SpreadsheetInfo.SetLicense("FREE-LIMITED-KEY");// Load Excel workbook from file's path.ExcelFileworkbook=ExcelFile.Load("CombinedTemplate.xlsx");// Set sheets print options.foreach(ExcelWorksheetworksheetinworkbook.Worksheets){ExcelPrintOptionssheetPrintOptions=worksheet.PrintOpt...
During his entire time in office the multi-millionaire businessman has had a topsy turvy with members of his own party. The governor even today likes to remind people that when he ran for governor in 2010 no one in the GOP establishment endorsed him. During an interview just last week, Sc...
//Fit worksheet on one page pageSetup.IsFitToPage = true; try { //Print the workbook wb.PrintDocument.Print(); } // Catch block is after this aaden_619 Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:43 am Hi, Thank you for your inquiry. Did you use the latest version ofSpire. Xls for .Net 13.12? If no...
Print What: Use to choose between printing only the active (selected) worksheets in the workbook (the default), the entire workbook, the current cell selection in the current worksheet, or the currently selected table in the current worksheet. ...
Print What: Use to choose between printing only the active (selected) worksheets in the workbook (the default), the entire workbook, the current cell selection in the current worksheet, or the currently selected table in the current worksheet. Alt+P, A Pages: ...
Print What: Use to choose between printing only the active (selected) worksheets in the workbook (the default), the entire workbook, the current cell selection in the current worksheet, or the currently selected table in the current worksheet. Alt+P, A Pages: ...
The additional printer's properties should be the same except two properties: "Color Print" and "1-Sided Print" As Excel will only print the active worksheet in color and the other sheets will print in Black & White. You can select the first sheet and set the print to color then the ...