Detects and applies anti-aliasing to smooth jagged edges automatically when printing enlarged digital images, and preserves image content when image size is reduced during printing. Provides generally faster processing and output speed in both color and monochrome printers. Internet Printing The Windows 2...
Make sure that the image you are printing has sufficient resolution. Images that are enlarged too much might appear fuzzy or blurry. If the issue is confined to a band near the edge of a printout, use the software you installed with the printer or another software program to rotate the ima...
To print a reduced or enlarged page image centered on the page, enter a percentage in the Scale box. Printing thumbnails To print thumbnails (small images of several pages on one page), enter values in the Thumbnails text boxes. In the Rows box, enter the number of thumbnails you wan...
To print a reduced or enlarged page image centered on the page, enter a percentage in the Scale box.Printing thumbnailsTo print thumbnails (small images of several pages on one page), enter values in the Thumbnails text boxes. In the Rows box, enter the number of thumbnails you want to ...
Borderless(T1300 series only). Your image will be printed on a page of the size you have selected, with no margins. The image is slightly enlarged to ensure that no margin is left between the edges of the image and the edges of the paper. If you selectAutomatically by Printer, this en...
// Save the image ImageIO.write(destinationImage, "PNG", new File("scanned-1.png")); // Normalize the kernel for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] /= sum; } PDDocument documentOut = new PDDocument(); for (int page = 1; page <= document.getNumberOfPages(); ...
paging file, in the event that it needs to be written to disk. The commit limit is determined by the size of the paging file. If the paging file is enlarged, the commit limit increases and the ratio is reduced. This counter displays the current percentage value only; it is not an ...
I had enlarged the image, which already had a lot of grain (since it was an especially fast, or light sensitive, film). At the very least I should have used an 8” x 10” press-camera image or (if that had not been an option) a 2 ¼” square-format image. (We didn’t ...
19. The print array of claim 11, wherein each of said micropumps is disposed along said second microchannel within a dispenser, each said dispenser comprising a microchannel section having an enlarged opening at which the fluid is dispensed, wherein the enlarged opening serves as a capillary bre...
“keep sequence” mode, and print processing is stopped in step S3. In this case, the previous job is also removed from the print queue, and the job for which the start condition is not fulfilled is shifted to the top of the list in the queue and is represented by an enlarged window...