print(f"Current date and time: {current_datetime}") #加10天 new_datetime = current_datetime + timedelta(days=10) print(f"Date and time after 10 days: {new_datetime}") #减5小时 new_datetime = current_datetime - timedelta(hours=5) print(f"Date and time 5 hours ago: {new_datetime}"...
print("Current datetime:", now) # 日期时间加减 future_date = now + datetime.timedelta(days=7) print("Date after 7 days:", future_date) # 比较日期时间 if future_date > now: print("Future date is later than current date") --- 输出结果如下: Current datetime: 2024-03-25 17:29:19.2...
datetime 包括了 date 与 time 的所有信息,格式为:datetime(year, month, day, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=None, *, fold=0),参数范围值参考 date 类与 time 类。 类方法和属性如下所示: 使用示例如下所示: import datetimeprint(
d =,3,28) print(d.__class__) print(d) """ <class ''> 2022-03-28 """ # time 的创建 t = pendulum.time(20,10,30) print(t.__class__) print(t) """ <class 'pendulum.time.Time'> 20:10:30 """ 如果创建 datetime 时,时区默认是 UTC。如...
组合 和 datetime.time 对象 获得每月的第 5 个星期一 将日期时间对象转换为日期对象 获取没有微秒的当前日期时间 将N 秒数添加到特定日期时间 从当前日期获取两位数的月份和日期 从特定日期获取月份数据的开始和结束日期 以周为单位的两个日期之间的差异 ...
year) print("Current month:", current_date.month) print("Current day:", OutputCurrent date: 2020-03-09 Current year: 2020 Current month: 3 Current day: 9 How to get current time in Python? Print current hour, minute, second, and microsecond in Python ...
/usr/bin/python import os os.system("date") [root@host74 tmp]# python 2017年 05月 25日 星期四 16:06:39 CST 方法3:使用time模块ctime() 显示格式看起来不太直观; [root@host74 tmp]# cat #!/usr/bin/python import time...
withpout.tofile():# everything in this with block will print to a file in current directorypout.b()s="foo"pout.v(s)pout.s()# this will print to stderr Customizing Pout object magic method Any class object can define a__pout__magic method, similar to Python's built in__str__magi...
The command line utility will be installed astabulatetobinon Linux (e.g./usr/bin); or astabulate.exetoScriptsin your Python installation on Windows (e.g.C:\Python39\Scripts\tabulate.exe). You may consider installing the library only for the current user: ...
You can also create a custom logger to print a timestamp for logging in Python. import logging import sys import time def create_logger(name): formatter = logging.Formatter( fmt='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) file_handler = logg...