importosdefprint_directory_contents(path):forroot,dirs,filesinos.walk(path):level=root.replace(path,'').count(os.sep)indent=' '*4*levelprint('{}{}/'.format(indent,os.path.basename(root)))subindent=' '*4*(level+1)forfileinfiles:print('{}{}'.format(subindent,file))# 调用函数并传入...
Read a Text File and Print Its Contents in Python Create a File Object The first step is to create a file object in read-only mode using theopen()function. The first argument is the file name and path; the second argument is the mode. ...
This section focuses on leveraging the capabilities of theosmodule to retrieve and inspect the contents of thePYTHONPATHenvironment variable. Take a look at the Python script below: importosdefprint_pythonpath():pythonpath=os.getenv("PYTHONPATH")ifpythonpath:print("PYTHONPATH:")paths=pythonpath.sp...
filename = 'alice.txt'try: with open(filename) as f_obj: contents = FileNotFoundError: msg = "Sorry,the file " + filename + " does not exist." print(msg)else: # 计算文件大概包含多少个单词 words = contents.split() num_words = len(words) print("The file "...
except IOError as e:#该except处理IOFError类型异常 print("An error occurred.") An error occurred. 处理所有异常:Exception 捕获所有异常 try: file = open('test', 'rb') except Exception as e:#Exception捕获所有的异常类型,保存到args的元组中。
Python中文件的读取和写入 contents # 输出时在最后会多出一行(read()函数到达文件末会返回一个空字符,显示出空字符就是一个空行) print '---' print contents.rstrip...将上述代码稍加修改如下: with open('pi_digits.txt') as f: for line1 in f: print line1 print '---...逐行读取数据也可...
And here are the contents of the second CSV file, namedcsv-file-2.csv. csv-file-2.csv Alice,Smith,500 Bob,Smith,600 Dan,Smith,2500 Here is the related Python script, withopen('csv-file-1.csv',encoding='utf-8')asfile_1,open('csv-file-2.csv',encoding='ut...
Your Guide to the Python print() Functionby Bartosz Zaczyński basics python Mark as Completed Share Table of ContentsPrinting in a Nutshell Calling print() Separating Multiple Arguments Preventing Line Breaks Printing to a File Buffering print() Calls Printing Custom Data Types...
Once all the required objects are written in the File, we can redirect the standard output back to thestdout. importsys# Saving the reference of the standard outputoriginal_stdout=sys.stdoutwithopen('demo.txt','w')asf:sys.stdout=fprint('Hello, Python!')print('This message will be written...
Python Copy This code will output: Hello, World!Python is fun! Keep reading to delve into more advanced techniques, understand the ‘end’ parameter in depth, and enhance your knowledge with useful tips and tricks. Table of Contents [hide] Python’s Print Function Harnessing the Power of Pyth...