perlrebackslash(1) perlrecharclass(1) perlref(1) perlreftut(1) perlreguts(1) perlrepository(1) perlrequick(1) perlreref(1) perlretut(1) perlriscos(1) perlrun(1) perlsec(1) perlsolaris(1) perlstyle(1) perlsub(1) perlsymbian(1) perlsyn(1) perlthanks(1) perlthrtut(1) perlti...
I am using biblatex - That's my input in the preamble:\usepackage[ backend=biber, style=apa, sorting=aynt ]{biblatex} \addbibresource{Literature.bib} % maps apacite commands to biblatex commands \let \citep \cite \let \citet \textcite \let \cite \parencite And here...
means “print the glyph in the current font taking the slot corresponding to the ASCII code of the backslash” and is equivalent to \symbol{92}, but doesn't require to look up in the table of ASCII codes. Note that if you don't use T1 encoding, \texttt is necessary, because OT1 en...
perlrebackslash(1) perlrecharclass(1) perlref(1) perlreftut(1) perlreguts(1) perlrepository(1) perlrequick(1) perlreref(1) perlretut(1) perlriscos(1) perlrun(1) perlsec(1) perlsolaris(1) perlstyle(1) perlsub(1) perlsymbian(1) perlsyn(1) perlthanks(1) perlthrtut(1) perlti...
perlrebackslash(1) perlrecharclass(1) perlref(1) perlreftut(1) perlreguts(1) perlrepository(1) perlrequick(1) perlreref(1) perlretut(1) perlriscos(1) perlrun(1) perlsec(1) perlsolaris(1) perlstyle(1) perlsub(1) perlsymbian(1) perlsyn(1) perlthanks(1) perlthrtut(1) perlti...
perlrebackslash(1) perlrecharclass(1) perlref(1) perlreftut(1) perlreguts(1) perlrepository(1) perlrequick(1) perlreref(1) perlretut(1) perlriscos(1) perlrun(1) perlsec(1) perlsolaris(1) perlstyle(1) perlsub(1) perlsymbian(1) perlsyn(1) perlthanks(1) perlthrtut(1) perlti...