from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill, Border, Side, Alignment, Font, GradientFillworkbook = Workbook()sheet = workbook.activecell = sheet['A1']pattern_fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid',fgColor="DDDDDD")cell.fill = pattern_fill# 单色填充cell2 = sheet['A3']gradient_fill = GradientFill(s...
>>> import re >>> example='ShanDong Institute of Business and Technology' >>> pattern=re.compile(r'\bB\w+\b') #以B开头的单词 >>> pattern.findall(example) ['Business'] >>> pattern=re.compile(r'\w+g\b') #以g结尾的单词 >>> pattern.findall(example) ['ShanDong'] >>> pattern...
in itertools.permutations('ABCD'): - print(val) - - for val in itertools.combinations('ABCDE', 3): - print(val) - - for val in itertools.product('ABCD', '123'): - print(val) + itertools.permutations('ABCD') + itertools.combinations('ABCDE', 3) + itertools.product('ABCD', '...
To assign a hexadecimal value in the string so that it can be printed as a string, we use\xthat is known as Escape sequence”, it represents that given value is the hexadecimal value. Example Input: str = "\x41\x42\x43\x44" Output: str = "ABCD" Input: str = "This...
*/publicclassPrintPyramidTest {publicstaticvoidmain(Stringargs[]) {System.out.println("Pyramid pattern of star in Java : "); drawPyramidPattern();System.out.println("Pyramid of numbers in Java : "); drawPyramidOfNumbers(); }/**
二、选择题单选题:表达式max([abc, Abcd, ab], key=str.lower)的值为? A. abc B. Abcd C. ab D. 表达式错误单选题:下面代码运行结果为? data = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1] print(max(set(data), key=data.count)) A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 单选题:下面代码运行结果为? from ...
> pattern = POS(0) & SUCCEED & (FENCE(TAB(n: 1).capture!(:n) { |m, p, n| puts m; p+1 } | ABORT)) & FAIL; * pattern.matches?("abcd") a ab abc abcd => nilThe SUCCEED and FAIL primitives keep forcing the matcher to retry. Eventually the TAB will fail causing the ...
awk [-Ffv] 'BEGIN{ commands } pattern { command } END{ commands }' file -F <fs> #<fs>是所指定输入分隔符,<fs>可以是字符串或正则表达式也可以省略,如果省略,则默认空格/回车/<tab>作分隔符 awk -F 'BEGIN{ printf("%s\n", "Begin") } pattern { printf("%s\n", $1) } END{ printf...
the printhead epson printer protects your printer from scratches, dust, and water. it also has a built-in touch screen for easy access to all ports. ✨ Built to last: printed head printers are built to last and feature a durable printhead design that will keep your printer looking new fo...
that sorts between the two characters, inclusive, using the locale's collating sequence and character set. For example, in the default C locale,[a-d]is equivalent to[abcd]. Many locales sort characters in dictionary order, and in these locales[a-d]is typically not equivalent to[abcd]; it...