Kelestarian Prinsip-prinsip Muamalat dalam Sistem Perbankan Islam di Malaysia: Rangka Kerja Tadbir Urus Syariahdoi:10.17576/juum-2018-special-02The Islamic banking industry is rapidly growing in the complex and challenging atmosphere. The main feature of Islamic banking syste...
The research was descriptive research titled "Customer Perception to the application of Syariah Principles at Syariah Banking in Malang". The respondents were Syariah Bank customer in Malang City. The research aimed to find how the perception of Syariah Bank customers to the application of Syariah pr...
Perum Pegadaian, Pawnshop service institution is one of Finance Institution which has existed since long time and developed well : Now it has branch mrits that based on syariah, namely Syariah Pawnshop which one of them takes place in Solo Baru. This research is aimed to know how the impleme...
Pengaruh Kepuasan Pasien dengan Prinsip-Prinsip Syariah pada Rumah Sakit XXdoi:10.46799/jsa.v5i3.1065The purpose of this study is to test the quality system on the basis of the principles or principles implemented in Rumah Sakit XX. To test patient satisfaction at XX Hospital, ...
Bank BNI Syariah approriate Fatwa National Council No/08/DSN-MUI/2000. Kata Kunci: Compliance of islamic banks, Musyarakah financing, Islamic principles. ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis Kepatuhan Bank Syariah dalam Praktik Pembiayaan Musyarakah terhadap Prinsip...
Pengawasan Dewan Pengawas Syariah (DPS) Terhadap Kepatuhan Prinsip Syariah Pada Bank Syariahdoi:10.20473/jd.v6i1.43524Nowadays financial institutions based on sharia principle such as Islamic Bank is one of the signs of the rapid growth of Islamic financial institutions. Therefore, ...