Introduction:Women play a significant role in social development of a country. Marginalizing power of women becomes social im- portance. Women are successfully making their mark in vari- ous fields with the dedication and commitment. So, empow- erment and autonomy of women and their improvement ...
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) has adopted the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) as part of our commitment to promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community....
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Women’sEmpowermentWomen’sEmpowerment PrinciplesPrinciples 1.Establishhigh1.Establishhigh--levelcorporateleadershiplevelcorporateleadership forgenderequality.forgenderequality. 2.Treatallwomenandmenfairlyatwork2.Treatallwomenandmenfairlyatwork–– respectandsupporthumanrightsandrespectandsupporthumanrightsand nondiscri...
性别平等带来经济发展-WomensEmpowermentPrinciples.PDF,赋权予妇女 原则 性别平等带来经济发展 1 建立高层次的企业领导机制来促进性别平等 2 尊重并支持人权和无歧视原则,平等对待所有 男女员工 3 保障所有男女员工的健康、安全和福祗 4 加强对女性员工的教育、培训,促进
Berlinger has adopted the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (UN WEPs) as part of its commitment to promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in contribution to the Sustainable Development Goal 5, namely Gender Equality. We are proud signatories of the United Nations Women’s ...
Aptar is committing to the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs). Established by UN Women and the UN Global Compact, these principles provide a holistic framework for businesses to champion women’s rights, ensuring an inclusive and equitable workplace. By endorsing the WEPs, ...
KUWAIT – December 1, 2021 –Agility Chairperson Henadi Al-Saleh signed the Women’s Empowerment Principles, designed to advance gender equality in the workplace and community. Agility is working to recognize and foster female talent and participation across its businesses and investments. Established...
Dallas-based Mary Kay, Inc. is celebrating the 10th anniversary of Women’s Empowerment Principles with a continued commitment to women’s leadership and inclusion. According to World Economic Forum, at the current rate it will take 140 years to achieve
Samitivej Public Company Limited won 1st Runner-Up Award of UN Women 2022 Thailand Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) Awards in Gender-Inclusive Workplace category, which recognizes the achievements of businesses actively taking action to empower wom