The Principles of Product Development Flow的书评。敏捷和精益是产品开发领域的潮流和趋势。理论家们津津乐道于价值观和原则,这是道;实践者们构建方法体系,这是器。 然而,在道和器之间,一直未能形成牢固的理论基石。这一基石应该能阐述产品开发的本质,模型...
The Principles of Product Development Flow的创作者 ··· Donald G·Reinertsen 作者 喜欢读"The Principles of Product Development Flow"的人也喜欢 ··· 管理3.0 8.4 敏捷软件需求 7.9 敏捷教练 7.7 Impact Mapping 8.2 Implementing Domain-Driven Desi... 8.0 精益思想(白金版) 7.5 How ...
What we learn from t his example is t hat flow is a product of speed and densit y. Furt hermore, small changes in eit her can have a profound effect on flow. When eit her goes up significant ly, congest ion quickly ensues. As we already know, congest ion for product developers...
The Principles of Product Development Flow 2025 pdf epub mobi 用户评价 评分☆☆☆ 数学性很强,可应用性欠缺。 评分☆☆☆ 数学性很强,可应用性欠缺。 评分☆☆☆ 书中原则挑战了很多主流研发实践中的错误观念。不容错过的经典书籍。 评分☆☆☆ 书中原则挑战了很多主流研发实践中的错误观念。不容错过...
Noneconomic flow control. Centralized control. Reinertsen is not pulling punches. For example, here's him discussing our collective blindness to queues: To understand the economic cost of queues, product developers must be able to answer two questions. First, how big are our queues? Today, only...
To Readers This is the companion site for The Principles of Product Development Flow. I use it to make available things that are not in the book. If what you want is not here, let me know. Search for: Recent Posts The Dark Side of Robustness ...
Every chance of the occurrence of a fault in the flow of work and value will increase the chance of accumulation of waste (muda). And every type of wastefulness, be it Mura, Muda or Muri, will result in an inconsistent production process. ...
The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development. Celeritas Publishing, Redondo Beach, CA, USA, 2009.Radeka, K. (2010). The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development by Donald G. Reinertsen. Journal Of Product Innovation ...
It also allows us to reuse native platform components and patterns 80 percent of the time, focusing our energy on signature experiences. 2. Built for focus You want to stay in the flow. Your experiences should inspire action, drawing you forward, simply and seamlessly. When technology ...