Notes 1. ibid. References Albert J (2010) Innovations in food labelling. FAO and Woodhead publishing limited, Oxford Google Scholar Arbenz M, Gould D, Stopes C (2015) Organic 3.0 for truly sustainable production and consumption.
lackofgovernmentsupportfororganicfarming,whichhasresulted inlimitedavailabilityandhighpricesfororganicfood.Mason,a spokesmanforNewZealand’sleadingorganiccertificationagency, Bio-Gro,hasalsocomplainedofinadequategovernmentsupport (2009),notingthatasthereiscurrentlyinsufficientorganicfoodto meetgrowingdemand,farmers...
The center will involve the local population through events and lectures, during which the key concepts of organic farming and their benefit for both people and the environment will be explained. The creation of the Centre of organic farming could be supported by national funding as well as from...
Versions Notes Abstract Africa has been a hotspot for the development of food and bioenergy crop cultivation since the 2000s, leading to systematic challenges towards its ability to become a bioeconomy. To reduce land-use conflicts with food crop cultivation, marginal African drylands (MADs) are...
Versions Notes Abstract Market pressures generated by the demand for organic food have pushed farmers to turn away from agroecological principles, which leads to actions focused directly on the agricultural practices for production. The objective of this study was to analyze whether the methodology used...
Versions Notes Abstract The existing solid waste management principles are increasingly being replaced with discussions on circular economy (CE) principles in contemporary deliberations on solid waste handling. This shift is supported by the global adoption of the concept of sustainable development. The CE...