Access to vast amounts of natural language has allowed researchers and engineers to use these tools to improve upon early attempts to build semantic networks of natural language by analyzing lexical co-occurrence in written text. One early example is the hyperspace analog to language or HAL model...
Acting upon target stimuli from the environment becomes faster when the targets are preceded by a warning (alerting) cue. Accordingly, alerting is often used to support action in safety-critical contexts (e.g., honking to alert others of a traffic situat
The rapid evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, with ever more profound implications for humans and societies, has triggere
Laryngeal cancer is one of the most frequently reported cancers in the head and neck. According to Deng et al.1, by 2017, instances of laryngeal cancer have increased by58.6%in 27 years worldwide. At the same time, as the mortality rate increases, the average age of the disease slips. ...
As always, the first UI design principle is tofocus on people(or, the “user” as we all say). A gooduser interfaceis easy and natural to use, avoids confusing the user, and does what theuser needs. You need to understand who your users are as well as understand what they want to...
We do not provide explicit argumentation for why these eight principles have been chosen instead of others. Without any doubt, other analysts might have chosen other principles. Our selection is based on theoretical insight and practical experience and includes a strong normative component. A strong ...
Answer and Explanation: Natural law goes back a long ways depending on which region of the world you are studying. For Western Civilization however, natural law derives fully from 'common law' which stems from England in the 13th century. During Medieval Europe, kings and queens were controlling...
elements at fixed points. For example, if you want to apply the F-pattern, elements need to be placed so that users can easily read horizontally across the top part of the screen. Further, users scroll down the page on the left side, replicating humans’ natural behavior for scanning any...
Metacognition plays a role in environment learning (EL). When navigating, we monitor environment information to judge our likelihood to remember our way, and we engage in control by using tools to prevent getting lost. Yet, the relationship between metac
Effort as a concept, whether momentary, sustained, or as a function of different task conditions, is of critical importance to resource theories of attention, fatigue/boredom, workplace motivation, career selection, performance, job incentives, and other applied psychology concerns. Various models of...