The importance of including cultural perspectives in the study of human cognition has become apparent in recent decades, and the domain of moral reasoning is no exception. The present review focuses on moral cognition, beginning with Kohlberg's model of moral development which relies heavily on ...
The 1789 work articulates an important statement of the foundations of utilitarian philosophy — it also represents a pioneering study of crime and punishment. Bentham's reasoning remains central to contemporary debates in moral and political philosophy, economics, and legal theory.关键词:...
asreasoningisnotthesource,whenceeitherdisputantderives histenets;itisinvaintoexpect,thatanylogic,whichspeaks nottotheaffections,willeverengagehimtoembracesounder principles. Thosewhohavedeniedtherealityofmoraldistinctions,maybe rankedamongthedisingenuousdisputants;norisit conceivable, that any human creature could...
A classic of both philosophy and jurisprudence, this 1789 work articulates an important statement of the foundations of utilitarian philosophy. It also represents a pioneering study of crime and punishment. Bentham's reasoning remains ever relevant and central to contemporary debates in moral and polit...
XVI. 10. The circumstances of moral, religious, sympathetic, and antipathetic sensibility, when closely considered, will appear to be included in some sort under that of bent of inclination. On account of their particular importance they may, however, be worth mentioning apart. A man's moral ...
This article develops an outline of an ethical framework for youth work in the UK, drawing on the literature in youth work, professional ethics and moral philosophy. It considers the recent concern with ‘standards’ in youth work, and offers a broad interpretation of ethical standards as ...
Define Principles. Principles synonyms, Principles pronunciation, Principles translation, English dictionary definition of Principles. essential quality; law; moral rule: true to her principles; doctrine: the principle of the matter Not to be confused wi
it,dealinsoundsinsteadofsense,incapriceinsteadofreason,indarknessinsteadof light. Butenoughofmetaphoranddeclamation:itisnotbysuchmeansthatmoralscienceisto beimproved. II.Theprincipleofutilityisthefoundationofthepresentwork:itwillbeproperthereforeat theoutsettogiveanexplicitanddeterminateaccountofwhatismeantbyit....
A man of principle. Facts A real occurrence; an event Had to prove the facts of the case. Principles The collectivity of moral or ethical standards or judgments A decision based on principle rather than expediency. Facts Something believed to be true or real A document laced with mistaken fac...