Detecting and Classifying Low Probability of Intercept Radar_部分1 星级: 500 页 Detecting and Classifying Low Probability of Intercept Radar_部分2 星级: 443 页 Design of Modern Heuristics Principles and Application_部分1 星级: 140 页 Design of Modern Heuristics Principles and Application_部分2 ...
文档分类:外语学习|页数:约821页 文档列表文档介绍 Principles_of_Modern_Radar,(vol_3).---.Radar_Applications.(2014.SciTech)【精品】 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. 文档信息 页数:821 收藏数:0 顶次数:0 上传人:薄荷牛奶 文件大小:0 KB ...
dopplerradarclutterprinciplespulsebasic x-PDFDivisionPOMR-720001bookISBN:9781891121524July13,20109:38625CHAPTER17DopplerProcessingMarkA.Richards'&$%ChapterOutline17.1Introduction...62517.2ReviewofDopplerShiftandPulsedRadarData...62617.3PulsedRadarDopplerDataAcquisitionandCharacteristics...62717.4MovingTargetIndication....
Principles of Modern Radar,(vol_1).---.Basic_Principles.2010.SciTech Brief Contents Preface xvii...
Principles_of_Modern_Radar,(vol_2),--- Advanced Techniques Brief Contents Preface xv Publisher Acknowledgments xviii Editors and Contributors xx 1 Overview: Advanced Techniques in Modern Radar 1 PART I Waveforms and Spectrum 2 Advanced Pulse Compression Waveform Modulations ...
Principles of Modern Radar: Advanced TechniquesThis second of three volumes in the Principles of Modern Radar series offers a much-needed professional reference for practicing radar engineers. It provides the stepping stones under one cover to advanced practice with overview discussions of the most comm...
Principles of modern radar (Part 3 of 3)Janine Love
Principles of Modern Radar: Basic Principles is a comprehensive and modern textbook for courses in radar systems and technology at the college senior and graduate student level; a professional training textbook for formal in-house courses for new hires; a reference for ongoing study following a rada...
EE3-27: Principles of Classical and Modern Radar Radar Cross Section (RCS) & Radar Clutter(九)2 Swerling RCS Statistics 表中转向RCS目标模型综述 雷达信道效应(Radar Channel Effects) 雷达无线信道:脉冲响应(Radar Wireless Channel: Impulse Response) 单目标建模Single Target Modelling 多目标建模Multi Targe...