Army Knowledge ManagementArmy KnowledgeManagement PrinciplesThe Army Knowledge Management Principles transcend technology advancements, mission, policy ororganizational changes. They embrace an enterprise focus. The principles are organizationally indepen-dent; that is, they apply to most enterprises. The ...
The original Army Leadership Principles wording, “Make Sound and Timely Decisions” focuses only on the leader herself. While we must strive to make sound and timely decisions ourselves, our real focus needs to be on the scalability of the organization. To be successful in scaling, and to ens...
The formation in depth—i.e., the formation in which only two-thirds or half or still less of the army is drawn-up in front and the rest directly or obliquely behind and hidden, if possible—is very suitable for all these moves. This type of formation is, therefore, of immense ...
The rest of the 19 weapons of spiritual warfare focus on God and us doing our part. They are by no means exhaustive. Other “weapons of spiritual warfare” can be found in the scriptures and be added to them. However they all focus on God or us doing our part. This is not to say ...
good about things and have a sense of morale in going into any challenge, and not just the result of being victorious. And I think this is really true, pessimism at the top is very infectious. So who wants to go into battle with somebody who doesn’t have confidence in the missio...
Building upon the foundation of DoD’s existing ethical, legal, and policy frameworks and responsive to the complexities of the rapidly evolving field of AI, the Board sought to develop principles consistent with the Department’s mission to deter war and ensure the country’s security. This ...
Scenarioctive SystemSenses Radiation from manmadelluminator/designatorCTIVEO ILLUMINATORMISSIONARGET ATMOSPHEREbsorptionScatteringassive Il luminationSUN(MOON)STARS) Backgroundlutter&Noise EO Sensorassive EO SystemSenses Radiation fromatural Sources of“light”bsorptionScatteringt’s a harsh environment to ...
Army continues to develop more powerful and complex digital information systems, it is essential that both training needs and training opportunities are addressed to meet mission objectives. One way to address the training challenges of emerging digital systems is through the use of computer-based ...