The original interest and the background of students enrolling for courses on meat science are widely varied. This book was designed to give an introduction to the subject that would serve those students, and as such it does not give extensive detail of any one aspect, for which there are ...
Principles of meat scienceHB Hedrick, ED Aberle, JC Forrest, MD Judge, RA Merkel. Principles of Meat Science. 3rd ed. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 1989.AberleForrestHedrick
Viral disease is a product of the interaction between the agent, the host, and their environment. Each virus may have its own intrinsic infectivity, virulence, and pathogenicity. Beyond age, sex, and race, various other host biological and behavioral att
As indicated in Chapter 1, there has been an increase in consumer demand for reduced and low fat meat, poultry and fish products. Consumer awareness of the influence of dietary fat levels on health and fitness and the relationship between the fat content of the diet and certain types of ...
C. Forrest, H. B. Hedric, and R. A. Merkel. 1989. Principles of meat science. 2nd edition, Kendall. Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, IA.Judge MD, Aberle ED, Forrest JC, Hedrick HB, and Merkel RA. 1989. Principles of Meat Science. Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co....
A rapidly growing body of empirical research has recently started to emerge highlighting the connotative and/or semiotic meanings that consumers typically associate with specific abstract visual design features, such as colours (either when presented ind