【英语版】国际标准 ISO/TR 12310:2015 EN Health informatics — Principles and guidelines for the measurement of conformance in the implementation of terminological systems 卫生信息学 术语系统实施一致性的衡量原则和准则.pdf,ISO/TR 12310:2015 EN Health infor
Health informatics — Principles and guidelines for the measurement of conformance in the implementation of terminological systemsdoi:ISO/TR 12310:2015ISO/TR 12310:2015旨在定义术语系统维护的良好实践框架,以及可证明符合性的原则.主要重点是术语系统在电子健康记录(EHR)系统中的应用,尽管这些原则和指南可以广泛...
Resource corner. From patient data to medical knowledge: the principles and practice of health informatics ACP Journal ClubWells S
BackgroundThe Applied Public Health Informatics Competency Model lists "data analysis, visualization, and reporting" as one of the eight competencies when teaching public health informatics. Thus, public health informatics students need to develop knowledge and skills in visualizing public health data. Un...
17 December 2015 Dayun Yan1,*, Annie Talbot2,*, Niki Nourmohammadi3, Xiaoqian Cheng1, Jerome Canady4, Jonathan Sherman5 & Michael Keidar1 To date, the significant anti-cancer capacity of cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) on dozens of cancer cell lines has been demonstrated in ...
Health informatics — Principles and data requirements for consent in the collection, use or disclosure of personal health informationdoi:ISO/TS 17975:2022本文件定义了医疗保健从业人员或组织收集,使用和/或披露个人信息的一套同意框架,这些人员或组织通常用于获得处理受护理者个人健康信息的协议.这是为了提供一...
ISO/TS5499:2024ENHealthinformatics—Clinicalparticulars—Coreprinciplesfortheharmonizationoftherapeuticindicationstermsandidentifiers是一个非常重要的标准,它为医疗信息的管理和交流提供了核心原则和规范,以确保医疗信息的准确性和一致性,提高医疗服务的效率和可靠性。 下载文档 收藏 分享 赏 0您...
P. Taylor, From patient data to medical knowledge: the principles and practice of health informatics: John Wiley & Sons, 2008.Taylor P. From Patient Data to Medical Knowledge: the principles and practices of Health Informatics. BMJ Books. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006....
Taylor P. From patient data to medical knowledge: the principles and practice of health informatics. London: Blackwell BMJ Books, 2006.SusanSchoolWellsSchoolBMJEvidence Based Medicine
Health informatics — Principles and data requirements for consent in the Collection, Use or Disclosure of personal health informationdoi:ISO/TS 17975:2015ISO/TS 17975:2015定义了一套医疗从业者或组织收集,使用和/或披露个人信息的同意框架,这些从业者或组织经常被用于获得处理受试者个人健康信息的协议.这是...