CharterFundamental JusticeInstrumental RationalityIn Canada (Attorney General) v Bedford, the Supreme Court of Canada fundamentally altered its approach to proving breaches of the instrumental rationality princSocial Science Electronic Publishing
This article aims to present major guidelines in case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (EU) in the field of public procurement and concessions. Court, with the mission to enforce EU law in the interpretation and uniform application of the Treaties, has contributed to ...
Public policymakers can address this shortcoming by consulting the advocates of minority communities and considering their needs.6 Human Rights The final principle of social justice, and arguably the most fundamental, is human rights. In addition to political rights, such as freedom of conscience, it...
There is a wide array of fundamental and important principles of civil justice. The main suggestion has been that the leading principles of civil justice might usefully be arranged under these four corner-stones of civil justice: Access to Legal Advice and Dispute-Resolution Systems; Equality and ...
Fundamental truth. The principle of equality holds that all people should be treated as equals. 6 Facts Data point. The temperature today is a measurable fact. 7 Principles Theoretical basis. The principles of economics dictate how markets behave. 6 Facts Immutable truth. It is a fact that hum...
Energy Efficiency Directive EU/2023/1791 It establishes ‘energy efficiency first’ as a fundamental principle of EU energy policy, giving it legal-standing for the first time. In practical terms, this means that energy efficiency must be considered by EU countries in all relevant policy and major...
A fundamental principle of transdisciplinarity is designing research to match the scope of a defined problem, and not being constrained by disciplinary boundaries (Krimsky2000; Leavy2016). Like action-oriented research, problem-centered research — research characterized by collective or collaborative work...
The rapid evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, with ever more profound implications for humans and societies, has triggere
Decision-making on numerous aspects of our daily lives is being outsourced to machine-learning (ML) algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI), motivated by speed and efficiency in the decision process. ML approaches—one of the typologies of algorithms
Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the European Union Clinical Laboratory Amendments Act UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers In the discussion of return of incidental findings in genomics, the distinction between actionable and unactionable information has been considered to...