IN THIS CHAPTERYOU WILL . . .Discuss howincentives affectpeople’s behaviorLearn the meaning ofopportunity costLearn thateconomics is aboutthe allocation ofscarce resourcesExamine some of thetradeoffs that peoplefaceSee how to usemarginal reasoningwhen makingdecisionsThe word economy comes from the Greek...
for “one who manages a house-hold.” At first, this origin might seem peculiar. But, in fact, households andeconomies have much in common.A household faces many decisions. It must decide which members of thehousehold do which tasks and what each member gets in return: Who cooks din-ner...
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经济学原理第三版(Principles of Economics Third Edition)简介: In writing this textbook, Mankiw has tried to put himself in the position of someone seeing economics for the first time. The author's conversational writing style is superb for presenting the politics and science of economic theories ...
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书籍介绍书籍 | Principles of Economics (原版) / 经济学原理 (中文版) 出版 | Cengage Learning (原版) / 北京大学出版社 (中文版) 作者 | N. Gregory Mankiw / N.格里高利. 曼昆 版本 | 2023年第10版 (原版) / …
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